Non-governmental organization “Finansova Stabilnist” continues its activity promoting financial mediation as an effective mechanism for settling financial disputes.
The Chairman of the Board of “Finansova Stabilnist” NGO – Mykola Korolenko made the report “Small and Medium Business in Ukraine: institutional and regulatory, and mentally cultural aspects of financial mediation” at the Xth International scientific and practical conference “Problems and prospects of business development in Ukraine” took place on May 22, 2019 in Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.
The main emphasis in the report was on the necessity of introduction in Ukraine of financial mediation mechanisms. While the opportunity of using such alternative method as financial mediation for conflict settlement between business partners, without proving the situation before court proceeding, will work towards strengthening the reputation of domestic businessmen and preserving tight business relation between them. And trust strengthening between financial market participants is the key success factor for developing domestic economics.